Pardon the dust

Our website is being updated with our latest projects!

We explore public opinion and open data to advance understanding of our communities.


What do students think about Diversity curriculum credits?

PODUW worked with ASUW, the student government, to understand student opinions on curriculum change. Click below to see the preliminary presentation of PODUW’s Phillip Meng and Anson Huang to the University Faculty Senate Taskforce.

Does spending more time on internship and interview preparation correlate with more offers?

PODUW’s report on Internship and Career Plans for Computer Science Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic, which features data from ACM’s Internship Survey, explores how students are accessing internships in an unprecedented time.

You aren’t imagining it: in the last twenty years, 2023 was an unprecedented year for labor union activity. Among the most visible effects in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest: a speaker-less commencement at the UW!


What do students think about Diversity curriculum credits?

PODUW worked with ASUW, the student government, to understand student opinions on curriculum change. Click below to see the preliminary presentation of PODUW’s Phillip Meng and Anson Huang to the University Faculty Senate Taskforce.

Does spending more time on internship and interview preparation correlate with more offers?

PODUW’s report on Internship and Career Plans for Computer Science Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic, which features data from ACM’s Internship Survey, explores how students are accessing internships in an unprecedented time.

What can educational institutions learn from a year of remote learning?

We analyzed more than 3,700 student responses – including over 3,200 open-ended replies – at the University of Washington to report on the elements of remote learning that students wish to see continued in post-pandemic education. Made possible by a partnership with University Regent Kristina Pogosian, who organized the survey, our comprehensive report What COVID-19 Taught Us About Education informed policy recommendations and was discussed by the Board of Regents in May 2021.

The Polling and Open Data Initiative at the University of Washington creates, analyzes, and presents open data to advance public understanding of our communities.


The Daily of the University of Washington: “Polling initiative at the UW to analyze data for campus community”


If you’re excited about our mission, we’re excited to meet you. Spring Quarter applications are currently open!

Get Involved

If you are interested in contributing to PODUW’s mission and work, we’re looking for you. Membership applications are open year-round, and affiliate memberships are open to non-UW students. In addition, we welcome faculty to join our Advisory Committee! 

Our partnerships help us scale our mission of public impact through data. If you are an organization, company, agency, or student organization and we can help you analyze or present data, please get in touch.